Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Unit 2 Lexis


In this unit, lexis (vocabulary) was studied. In unit, I checked two terms that I was difficult for me to remember: Homonym and Homephone. When the class finished, I learned how to diffirentiate them. Homophone comes from the word phoneme (the smallest unit of sound); therefore homophone is a word with the same pronunciation as another word, but the spelling and meaning is different. For example: I  knew he had won; I bought a new book. 
On the other hand Homonym is a word with the same spelling and pronunciation but the meaning is different. Another term that I learn was False Friends. Actually, I have heard this word for many times, but I haven`t done any research. Nevertheless, in this unit I clarified my mind and now I know that false friend is a word that looks and sound familiar in a language but its meaning is not the same. For example embarrased is not like in Spanish "emabarasada/o".
In the future as teacher, Lexis is very important because I think vocabulary facilitates the learning. When using different stategies to teach vocabulary for example picture stories, role-playing,etc In this ways, teachers try to promp students' vocabulary. In the fisrt strategy through pictures and the second one throung models. Therefore, students can recibe positive feedback about vocabulary.

This video will help to undersand better "Lexis"



1 comment:

  1. Good job !
    Lexis is helpful in the classroom, because students can manage mother tongue and the foreign language with a big differentiation of the use of false friends between both language. To sum up this, I agree with you, that lexis helps in the learning process.
