Thursday, April 30, 2015

Unit 5 Reading


Reading is one of the four skills. This is a receptive skill, it means we are acquiring something trhough a media. In this case by reading. Bassically there are two types of reading: extensive and intensive reading. The main objective of intensive reading is to analyze certaint information go throught specific things. On the hand, the main objective of extensive reading is to read for pleasure. In other words, in extensive reading we read because we have to. For example in classes when we follow a coursebook or in a subject we have to learn from texts. However, in extensive reading we text such us: novels, lieterature, articles, etc. Readings where we want to relax.

In spite of the fact extensive and intensive readings are different, the subskills for reading are the same for both. We have a number of subskills such as: sccaning, skimming, reading for detail, inferring, deducing meaning from context, predicting, and text strucutre.

Persoanlly, the terms I usually consused is "scanning and skimming ". In sccaning we look for the specific information from a text while in skimming we look for the gist or the main idea of the whole text.


  • YouTube,. (2015) Why is Reading Important? A Children's Book. Retrieved 7 May 2015,from:
  • Shockley Bisplinghoff Betty,. (2003) Teachers as Readers: Perspectives on the Importance of Reading in Teachers' Classrooms and Lives. Retrieved 7 May 2015, from:
  • Commeyras Michelle,. (1913) The supreme importance of reading. Retrieved 7 May 2015, from:

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